Cursed Treasure: Don't Touch My Gems!

Developed by IriySoft

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Added on January 4th, 2011.

Our Review

Cursed Treasure is an extremely polished tower defence game with set levels and upgrades tied to tower experience. You have three different types of tower, each with their own upgrade tree, plus you get to upgrade your own skills for constant bonuses after each map. Very replayable despite the low amount of levels – don't miss this one!

Our Rating: 4 / 5


Protect your gems from being stolen by “good” heroes in this tower defense game. Overlord, you have all the power of orcs, undead and demons.


Use mouse (hold SHIFT to build multiple towers or cast multiple spells). The game has a bult-in tutorial. Try to annihilate the enemies before they grab a gem, but even if they do, you’ll have a chance to annihilate them on their way back and you’ll save the gem.

Thanks for playing! Now check out Guild of Dungeoneering, a game I'm making where you build the dungeon instead of controlling the hero! \o/

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